Transformational Gardening

Virginia Spiderwort (Tradescantia virginiana): Images

Date Location Notes Images
April 23, 2011 Southeastern, New Hampshire I took pictures of a grass-like plant off the side of a foot path and compared these pictures with some pictures I took of the same area in June 2010. You can see the picture of the flower from June 8, 2010 on the far right. It is a 3-lobed, blue flower that perfectly matches up to a Spiderwort. We only have two Spiderworts in New Hampshire, the Virginia Spiderwort (Tradescantia virginiana) and the Ohio Spiderwort (Bluejacket) (Tradescantia ohiensis). The Ohio Spiderwort leaves tend to be pale grayish or bluish green and the nodes of the stem are mostly hairless (glabrous). The Virginia Spiderwort leaves tend to be green and the stem nodes are sparsely covered in find down-like hairs (puberulent).

I am really not sure that this is Virginia Spiderwort, but I will find out in a month or so.