Transformational Gardening

May 2010 Garden Experiences

(Forward to: June 2010 Gardening Experiences)

May 24, 2010

I ordered a bunch of heirloom, organic seeds from High Mowing Organic Seeds in Vermont. They should be here by the end of the week, so I can plant this weekend!!! I was waiting until I heard from the New England Wildflower Society to see if they have seeds for New England-based vegetables are their garden stores. They do not. Still, I'm very excited to get the garden going again!

May 27, 2010

Seeds are in! Hope I didn't order too much.

May 30, 2010

Well, I thoroughly screwed up the Ruth Stout Gardening Method! It really is simple and all you have to do is throw hay or straw down to keep the weeds from coming up. But I was in Florida for all of April and then got gardening-lazy in May and focused almost solely on May Foraging (as you can see from all of the activities). So, by the time I got back to my garden the weeds had taken over! Being too lazy to dig it up or buy and put down straw again, I had a kid rototill the 25 by 50 foot plot for $30.

The good news is that my organic heirloom seeds came in and I planted them all today. Tomorrow I will plant organic seedlings in the area between the stakes (see picture) that is currently unplanted. Then I will draw up this year's gardening key so I and everyone else can see what I planted and where. Happy gardening!

May 31, 2010

The soil is much healthier this year. I can see earthworms crawling around in the soil. I think the decomposition of the straw, vegetables and weeds may have helped feed the soil.

Put in seedlings today and then surrounded the seedlings with year-old straw. The straw was gooey from decomposition. Like last year, I think it will help tremendously in retaining water so that I will not have to water the garden. I am going to wait until the seeds sprout and vegetables get at least 3 inches high before spreading straw around the rest of the garden.

There is about a 50 square foot area that is currently unplanted. I will bring in some wild plants (oxeye daisy, yellow wood sorrel, etc.) and plant them there.