Transformational Gardening

Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica): Images

Date Location Notes Images
May 10, 2010 Southeastern, New Hampshire Both the Stinging Nettle and Wood Nettle plants have tiny stingers along the stem and leafs. These stingers break the skin and inject chemicals that can cause a rash. But there are many differences. Some of the main differences include:

Stinging Nettle
Urtica dioica
Wood Nettle
Laportea canadensis
Leaves opposite of each other on the stem. Leaves alternating up the stem.
Moderately thin, coursely-toothed leaves. Slightly ovate (oval), coursely-toothed leaves.
Leaves smaller towards the top of the plant. Leaves larger towards the top of the plant.
A couple of dozen or more leaves on the plant. A dozen or so leaves of the plant.
Likes sunnier locations. Likes shadier locations.
Date Location Notes Images
April 11, 2011 Southeastern, New Hampshire Baby Stinging Nettle plants. Can be ingested in salads up to 2-1/2 inches tall since stingers are still not fully developed. Raw leaves taste a bit like alfalfa tablets. These plants were found in the same place as the plants from the pictures above on May 10, 2010. Notice a closeup image of the stingers in the bottom picture on the right.
Date Location Notes Images
April 22, 2011 Southeastern, New Hampshire More young Stinging Nettle. Just at the maximum height to consider for salad greens: 2-1/2 inches tall.