Transformational Gardening

Common Blackberry (Rubus allegheniensis): Images

Date Location Notes Images
June 22, 2012 Southeastern, New Hampshire I’ve seen a lot of Blackberry bushes lately, but they don’t always have flowers or blackberries growing, so they have been difficult to identify. This one has both blackberries (still green) and flower remnants. Some of the important things to look for are straightish spines on the primocane, stipitate glands or gland-tipped hairs on the peduncle, raceme inflorescence longer than 8 mm. Key:
  • Principal leaves compound.
  • Stems woody. Clearly differentiated into primocanes and floricanes.
  • 5 palmately arranged leaflets.
  • Inflorescence a raceme.
  • Primocanes arching to erect.
  • Primocanes armed with at least some stout, broad-based prickles.
  • Inflorescence with stipitate glands.